Black Bee Bong Hexagon Triple Thick Glass 32cm


The Black Bee Hexagon Triple Thick Glass Bong is an extremely heavy-duty and durable glass bong 🖤🐝 It features a hexagonal base with a stemless design to provide increased stability.

The bottom of the water chamber contains three glass marbles, which act as roll stoppers so you don’t have to worry about your bong taking a tumble! This bong also has a honeycomb percolator. The perc shoots bubbles up through a central tube, creating plenty of diffusion for smooth hits 🙌💨 The 18.8mm ground chillum comes with an 14.5mm male slide bowl for herbs which is packed through the side-mounted slider.

The flared mouthpiece provides an airtight seal against the user’s face when inhaling, and it helps to prevent splashback from reaching your lips.

Lenght: 32cm
Socket size: 14.5mm

SKU: wc_product_253 Categories: , Product ID: 3037


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